Concierge Psychodiagnostic Testing and Psychological Services
If you are worried that your child is not reaching his or her full potential at school but not sure what is getting in the way of learning, you have come to the right place. A comprehensive psychodiagnostic assessment will help you and your child understand his or her learning style, identify specific strengths and weaknesses, and give you specific recommendations for home and school.
I am passionate about helping students reach their full potential!
I am committed to helping parents and children through the testing processing. I come into YOUR HOME to complete the assessment, adding comfort and convenience to this process. My in-home psychodiagnostic testing services will identify your child's strengths and weaknesses, and help him or her achieve both academic and emotional success. I will help you understand your child's learning profile, and support you throughout the entire process. All parent meetings and testing sessions occur in your home, making you and your child more comfortable. My in-home sessions also allow me to make more specific recommendations for studying and observe how your child interacts with his or her environment.

During your initial phone consultation, I will discuss your concerns and determine the type of testing or treatment needed. Based on our conversation, we will determine whether psychodiagnostic testing would be appropriate at this time and what the process would look like for you and your child. General recommendations and referrals can be given to help you get your child the support he or she needs to thrive at school and at home. This consultation is the start down the road of success for your child.